Sunday, December 26, 2010

Employers = Customers!

India is a maturing country we do not have a civilized and matured work culture as in the western countries. We are progressing from textile/foundry mill work culture to modern day ("corporate") work culture. I guess we are the in middle row now. The mindset of employers are not changed much even after IT revolution in India. To the worst, majority of Indian IT service companies treat their work force as resources ("commodities") in the assembly line as much as raw materials in the manufacturing plants (The IT Project Managers are shop floor supervisors. Apply Six-sigma or Lean principles).

In the times of mindless capitalism, the work force should change their mindset for the survival and peace of mind. Loyalty/trust your employer are the past things which are not applicable any more. The companies wants to make profit for their survival and investor benefits. Treat your employer as your customer and you are as a supplier. The customer is happy as long as the supplier provides high quality product with less cost. Similarly, the supplier can also have the liberty of saying “Get lost, enough is enough” to their customer when their demand is unfair. Think of Supply-Demand theory. Learn this reality and get out of the employer when things are not working for you. There are plenty of companies outside especially new age companies treat you better than big corporate Indian companies (“white collar sweat shops”). If you are talented and innovative, then choose the companies like Google, CISCO and Microsoft. They pay you decent salary and provide options like work from home, flexible working time, etc.,

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